Q1. Exponents


Which of the following expressions is a simplified form of (–2x 2)4?

(A) 16x8

(B) 8x6

(C) –8x8

(D) –16x6

(E) –16x8


Raise both the coefficient –2 and variable x2 to the power of 4. When raising an exponent to a power, multiply together the exponents:

(–2x2)4= (–2)4x(2)(4)= 16x8


Know MADSPM for exponents (Multiply-Add-Divide-Subtract-Power-Multiply)

  • When you are multiplying exponents, you're actually adding them.

    • Example: X5*X2= X7
  • When you are dividing exponents, you're actually subtracting them.

    • Example: X5/ X2= X3
  • When you are asked for one exponent to the power of another, you're actually multiplying them.

    • Example: (X5)2 = X10

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