
Mastery requires retention. Retention requires repetition.

Targeting mastery through repetition.

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Zoom Meet Ups

It starts here. We meet online over Zoom Video and go over concepts and practice questions to begin to uncover areas of weakness. We’ll also discuss the SAT rules, test-taking tips, hacks, common mistakes, and strategies for mastering the SAT exam.


Personalized Homework

After each meet up, I will assign personalized homework based on concepts that need to be covered and areas of weakness that we’ve uncovered. Homework may include chapters to read, Khan Academy questions to practice, or SAT-concept videos to watch.


Daily Questions

Daily questions and tips will be sent to your child on WhatsApp (or text message) everyday. This back-and-forth interaction will ensure that concepts are retained for the long run. Research on retention shows us that spaced repetition is critical.


Looking for additional details? Learn more about the approach and see how I interact with students.

It takes time and commitment.

Are you ready to master the SAT exam?